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Read Our Reviews

So this is my all time favorite place to go when it comes to my vehicle! Ms. Brooke, Steve and Austin are my favorite. It may sound crazy but you're always greeted with a smile and a hug. And let's not forget the most important part. Your vehicle is thoroughly inspected and completed in a timely fashion.

Christalline J.

Wow! Friendly, honest, reliable service, and reasonable prices. Brooke took the time to explain everything to us and give us tips on how to keep our vehicle maintained properly. So glad we found them.

Angie B.

Brook worked to get our car repaired quickly and was easy to work with. We were pleased they got our car in and out !

Jim M.

Our car broke down while traveling back home and had to be towed. I choose this place because on the phone they told me they would prioritize travelers to help them get back on the road as soon as possible. The staff was very nice, accommodating, and made my family and I feel very comfortable. Brooklyn is the best! She is very knowledgeable and helped me (not a car guy) understand all of the inner workings of what was going on with our vehicle. I would highly recommend giving them a visit if you are having any issues

Troy Y.

Brooklyn provided excellent guidance to our family dealing with a long distance car repair. She even suggested we double check with Buick first with mileage and time to ensure the failure wasn’t covered under warranty, knowing that would pull business away. We will be back next time we need service!

Greg W.

I would highly recommend this place to anyone . I was very impressed with the service my daughter received from AAMCO. I live NY and my daughter goes to school in Tuscaloosa. We had her car (2018 Encore) towed there, and even over the phone Brooklyn was able to put me at ease. They fixed the problems (even the ones caused by the towing company and another mechanic), and the price was reasonable. The whole AAMCO team there is very professional and very good at what they do. Thank you. God Bless.

Lou E.

Totally professional people. The work environment was wonderful. They performed the vehicle diagnostic and did the necessary work that was needed. No add on work. Great communication before the work was done. And after. I will be spreading out their Business cards. Definitely anyone I run into that needs work will be recommended to them. Top notch service. Their word is really their bond when it comes to the services they provide. Thanks to ALL the staff that works there.

Hugh T.

Brooke is the best! She truly cares about the customer and taking care of the customer! I had a great experience and would recommend them to anyone.

Jacquail R.

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